embody yoga with jessica clark
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embody yoga with jessica clark
embody: to give a tangible form to an idea, quality or feeling; to realize, manifest, express

What are you looking to embody?

Whether it’s strength or softness, inner peace or outward manifestation, each one of us requires a highly individualized yoga experience at different stages of our journey. Discover what you need from your practice at your current moment of life through Jessica’s Embody Yoga method that is equal parts both intuitive and methodical approach. Connect to your body, mind & soul in profound life changing ways through Embody Yoga’s unique holistic, integrative approach to the traditional 8 limbed system of yoga. Embody Yoga’s integrative and holistic approach to yoga is both traditional and modern in that it blends the tried and true philosophy and theory of traditional yoga which is it’s core, with practices, perspectives and approaches from other modalities such as energy healing, cross cultural studies and mysticism, archetypal psychology, and even medical information drawn from clinical studies. Explore the Embody Yoga way of growth, healing and expansion through booking an Embody Yoga certified teacher for private or public classes, who have all been directly trained by Jessica, or through our Immersions, Retreats, or our most popular 200 Hour RYT Yoga Teacher Training Program.


Transformation occurs where intuition meets intellect, science meets spirit, feminine meets masculine, and where Heaven meets Earth. Book a private session, workshop, retreat or Yoga Teacher Training with Jessica today to experience the Embody Yoga method and start your next stage of growth & evolution. Whether you are looking to transcend the physical realm or ground more into it - or both - Jessica and Embody Yoga have an approach that is uniquely just for you!




Transcending through the Embody Yoga method

Connect to your highest self using not only asana, but ALL limbs of yoga, including yama & niyama. According to India's ancient healing art and science of yoga, all 8 limbs must be utilized for a fully embodied yoga practice, unobstructed by inner conflict and delusion. It is only by removing samskaras that we can connect to the original seed of consciousness, the Cosmos, our highest self, or as many cultures call it, Father Sky or God.


Grounding through the Embody Yoga method

Grounding is an essential part of not only being a human being, but especially for any modern human being. Although we are so very blessed to live in a time of such easy flow of information & technology, we are still adapting to its effects and are beautifully limited by our unique biology. Grounding provides essential relief and healing for the human body. mind & spirit, while allowing one to connect to our physical self, the manifested Creation, or as many call her Mother Earth, our home.



We all have the power to create our own reality. Allow Jessica to help you create yours by booking a private session, class or event.